Determination / modification of maintenance allowance
The investigation agency Luca D'Agostini Investigazioni, authorized by the Prefecture of Rome to carry out civil and criminal investigations, is highly specialized in investigations aimed at determining and modifying the maintenance allowance.
The above is justified by the fact that operating both in Italy and abroad, the Luca D'Agostini Investigazioni investigation agency carries out an average of five investigations a week aimed at determining the style and standard of living of a person involved in a separation case. , or modification of the maintenance allowance received or paid.
In the event of separation, Article 156 of the Civil Code establishes that it is the judge, once it has ascertained which spouse is charged with the separation, to determine whether or not the other spouse is entitled to receive a maintenance allowance in the event that does not have "adequate own income".
For the calculation of the maintenance allowance, the judge must evaluate the style and standard of living that the spouses had during the marriage and what are the current financial means available to them.
For the determination of the maintenance allowance, therefore, the investigative investigations aimed at determining the style and standard of living of the spouse and the totality of the spouse's capital, economic, financial and banking resources play a fundamental role.
At the end of the investigation, the investigative agency Luca D'Agostini Investigazioni will deliver to the client a detailed technical investigative report drawn up on the agency's headed paper and accompanied by photographic attachments in support of what is stated in the text of the report. Since the Luca D'Agostini Investigazioni agency is authorized by the Prefecture of Rome in order to carry out civil and criminal investigations, the report delivered to the client may be used by the same in court through its lawyer. The owner of the investigation agency, Luca Leonardo D'Agostini may be ordered to testify at the competent court.
Some of the investigation activities carried out by the Luca D'Agostini Investigazioni agency in the cases of determination / modification of maintenance allowance are:
1) Documentation of unofficial work activities ("undeclared work")
2) Assessment of coexistence more uxorio
3) Verification of the actual style and standard of living of the spouse and adult children
4) Information dossier with information deriving from 360 ° patrimonial investigations in Italy and abroad.