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Due Diligence


It is an investigative process that is put in place to analyze the real value and conditions of a company, or a branch of it, for which there are acquisition or investment intentions. The activity supports the processes of a usual due diligence.

Luca D'Agostini Investigazioni is able to collect and provide all the information necessary to evaluate the real consistency of a company, or a branch of it, in order to identify any risks or criticalities in the investment.

This is a complex investigation which analyzes the company's income statement and balance sheets to verify their correctness and compliance with tax regulations, aiming to identify any tax assessments to which the company is or has been subjected.

Luca D'Agostini Investigazioni is able to assess the financial health of the target company through specific  activities, identifying in detail the risk areas.

Luca D'Agostini Investigazioni carries out "Due diligence" investigations on Italian and foreign companies.

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